Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life begins at fourty?

Life begins at the age of fourty? I wonder how true it is or in the other hand, am I ready for it? No matter what it is... life must go on. Facing this new year 2009 in the age of 40, there's a lot of thing waiting ahead. Hopes, dreams, expectations, challenges...were all messed up.

Hopeful, I'm just a step closer to where I want to go; hopeless, I'll be lost forever (Chinese proverb). Dare to dream...something will always come of it.

Better prospect in terms of job opportunity? Will it always be true? After five years waiting (since my graduation), is there any sign that it will come to an end or just the begining of another episode of "Day Dreamer".

Whatever it takes, if I got the guts to stick it out, I'm sure, I'm going to to make it. Opstimistic... that's it! By seeing my three little princess growing, it gives me even more strength to keep forward. With the present of the one I treasured most, my soulmate, without which I'll not be complete. I believe I can transform my dream into hope.
The only question now is, am I ready for it?


  1. Stay cool..Bro, be yourself. Life is just begun.

  2. "You just do your very best and God will take care of the rest"

  3. "Great results cannot be achieved at once and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk...step by step.." by Samuel Smiles

  4. Thanks folks for your words of inspiration!
    Way to go Bro!
